Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ashton's surgery was a success!

Ashton had a Adenoidectomy yesterday. That is just the proper name for removing adnoids. Everything went great the doctor said that his adnoids were extremely large so I was really glad that we went ahead a get them removed. It made for a long day we had to be at St. Joe's at 5:00a.m. and Ashton couldn't eat or drink after midnight the night before but it wasn't to bad. Hopefully he will sleep, eat, and breath better once he is back to normal. He is doing good just a little fussy but I am sure he will be fine in no time. He had fun playing with all the nurse's but was happy to be back home.

I just felt so bad this is before the surgery. He had no idea what was going to happen.

This was before he woke up.

This was after he woke up. He really had a hard time coming out of the anaesthesia.

He sure got alot of rest after it was all over.


bailey grant said...

awww poor Ashton :) hope he feels better!!

he is still cute as a button!!


Susan said...

Poor guy. He will definately be a different person when he starts to feel better. Hang in there.

Kasey said...

Poor baby! Glad everything went well.
I'm so going on Thursday to get another can organizer! I love my to pieces! Glad you like it too.

*Katie May* said...

poor baby! I am glad that the doctors finally did it! I hope it will help his sleeping so you can get some sleep now.

tiffany knox said...

thats so sad, Jamie doesnt remember me, but I am a long lost cousin of coltons and I met you at denee's wedding-(but who remembers any one person from a wedding)and you had mason except he was supposed to be a girl if I remember right!
your family has grown quickly, you should check my blog often I can relate to all the craziness!
miss you guys!

Megan said...

I had no idea that he was having surgery. I am glad it went well. I hope it helps with everything.

Celeste - The Solar Cook said...

Marly had her adenoids and tonsils out and it was a sad time. She was miserable for a few days and then BLING...all better!

He'll feel better soon and breathe so much better!

Stefany Pew said...

I don't even know what Adnoids are, but now that I read your blog, I kind of remember you telling me about those and that Ashton had them. So they affected his breathing? Poor little guy! I'm glad the surgery was a success and I hope he recovers quickly!!! What a cutie-pie!

Ammie & Papa said...

We didn't hear about Ashton's surgery until later. So glad that all went well. We love our little Great Grant Grand babies. Ashton will sleep and play better with that restriction out of his throat. Our love to all,
Ammie & Papa Grant

Melissa Gardner said...

i'm so glad he is doing better, he is such a sweetie hopefully this will do the trick..