Four days before the twins were born! My belly measured a whoppin 48in that day. My stomach hurts just looking at that picture.
Mason and the twins in the hospital. And the family was listening at the door and they got to hear the babies cry when they first came out.
Right after the C-Section.
The day we came home from the hospital. Mason just had no idea how is life just changed. Proud Daddy!
We celbrated the twins birthday on Saturday. That was the first time they had ever eaten a cup cake and Brinley's was gone it like 30 seconds and Ashton wasn't quite sure what to do with it. Once he realized what to do it was gone quick. They both has their moments when they cried but I think it was because they ran out of food. They loved their presents and we all had a good time.
How fun Happy Birthday to your cute little ones. I loved seeing those pictures after they were born they were so tiny! Well looks like you had a fun day hope all is well with you guys.
Wow I can't believe they are one!! So much fun yet so crazy I'm sure!! When is the next one coming =) lol
Happy Birthday twins!!!
Happy Birthday to the Twins!!!! They are getting so big. We need to come out and see you guys!!
Happy birthday little cuties! I forgot that they were born on Ashleigh's birthday! Hope you all had a fun day!
holy cow, it's been a year? really? they are so dang cute. I'll borrow them any time so you can shop at the new target. :) seriously. and we have cupcakes all the time - they'll love it!
Happy Birthday to the twins!! I'm glad it was a fun day for you guys!!!
Happy Birthday to the twins!! I'm glad it was a fun day for you guys!!!
I am totally counting down until my girls are one(five more months)mainly because then I won't have to buy formula anymore! Looking at this gave me hope and made me feel better! Congrats on making it through the first year. I will be calling you soon I promise for a playdate! By the way, was Ashton baby A, and Brinley baby B?
Woo hoo!!! They're one! I cannot believe how fast it has gone. I'm sure it hasn't gone by that fast for you (living it day by day) but it flew by for me. They are so stinkin' cute! You sure are blessed to have 3 cute pie babes!
My favorite is the picture of them standing up :) That is too cute. Sorry we had to miss it especially over getting boring taxes done. Hope Brinley loves her kitchen as much as Jayda does if so that's where you'll always find her:)
Your poor belly. Happy b-day kiddies!
I still can't believe you had twins and I can't believe it's been a year! NUTS! hapopy birthday kids!
way to go! probably the first year is the hardest.... maybe? so now everything will be super easy and you should just have another one to keep the challenge up! ha ha
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