Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another Park Day

Yesterday I had my niece for a good part of the day and I could tell she was getting a little bored watching cartoons all day and so when she asked to go to the park I couldn't say no. It was actually nice having someone around that could help me out with the kids. She will be a great babysitter some day. Ok maybe in awhile she is only six. Anyways we got the kids dressed and headed to the park.

I tried to get them both to sit down so I could get a good picture and Ashton spotted an airplane and Brinley just wasn't having it.

Kaylee loved taking the babies down the slides. Works for me.

Ashton kept wanted to go up the slide instead of down.

This I guess was the only picture of Mason that I took. It will have to do.

The babies thought it was the funniest thing to stick their faces in those holes.