Friday, October 12, 2007

Blog update!!!

Ok all I think it is time for a little update on our blog. You see my wonderful husband started our blog and he was in charge of it because I didn't even know how to add everything. Well you see he really got far with the whole update our blog thing. So I guess I am just going to have to take over and do this myself. Isn't that what you have to do to get stuff done, do it yourself! I didn't even know that people left comments and everything. Where have I been?


Stefany Pew said...

Ha ha!! That's hilarious!!! Yes, the blogging world is time consuming but fun and worth it because you get to see cute pictures of all your friends kids and families and you get to leave fun comments!! You can do it Jamie!! Let me know if you need help! It's easy once you figure it all out!

bailey grant said...

Welcome back haha lol!!!

Megan said...

good thing you took over colton was not keeping us very informed! How are we going to spy on your life if he never updates us!