Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Who has the cleanest tile and grout??? We do!!!

Today finally Colton has some time to bust out his skills and do our tile and grout. You know what they say the mechanics wife's car never gets fixed, the shoemaker's kids don't have shoes, the hair dressers kids are shaggy, ok so maybe they don't say that, you get my drift, but not our house. Here are before and after pictures.

Don't be alarmed but this is before......

Then he scrubs (no extra charge)

And steam cleans (included in price)

Then she is all clean!!!!! Much better. Not to mention how soft and smooth it is now. Wonderful. He also sealed it so it won't get so dirty. (just a little extra to sleal but totally worth it)


*Katie May* said...

Wow That awesome! Are you sure you didn't photo shop it ;) lol

The Palmer Family said...

Does he do that for work too??? I know he did carpet but we might need to use him if he does grout :) Let me know.

buddyandsarahaws said...

Wow, I wish I could get Buddy to scrub my floors. :)Looks great. The problem at my house is as soon as I get it cleaned my kids seem to spill something!

Megan said...


heidi said...

Looks GREAT! we don't have any tile... but we will need our carpets cleaned soon. you know who we are gonna call!!!