Saturday, June 12, 2010

5 Years Ago

Mason's 5th Birthday was on the 5th and I am a little behind but it has been crazy for us. Things have settled and I wanted to post a little something for his Birthday. 5 years ago we were in the delivery room expecting our first child. We were told it was going to be a girl. But little did we know our little Brinley wasn't coming just yet. We had everything ready for a girl to arrive and when our baby came out surprisingly the doctors said "IT'S A BOY!!!!!!" Seriously I couldn't soak in the news. It was pretty emotional for me to bring my now little baby boy home to pink and purple everything. My mom ran to target to get me a few necessities so my baby would have something to come home in and a blanket or two, my mother-in-law purchased new bedding and Colton and his dad stayed up late repainting a purple and yellow bedroom to baby blue and light brown room. I have to admit I was a mess! We didn't have a name nor did we even think of any boy names. As I lay holding my new baby boy that needed a name Colton looked at him and said how bout Mason. What else could I say.... sounds good!!!! As soon as the shock wore off a little I was able adjust to having a little boy instead of what I thought was going to be a little girl. Either way it didn't matter to me what gender my baby was it would have just been nice to know the correct one. He was a healthy 7lbs 8oz and 21in. long. He has definitely brought so much life to our family. He is now going to be starting kindergarten and I just can believe how he has grown. We had a little party for him and he was so excited to be the birthday BOY! I love you so much Mason! You are getting to be such a big boy.

Mason with his Dinosaurs from Grandpa and Grandma.

Hanging out in the pool. (I know it's big one but it's suppose to be for Tillman)

Singing Happy Birthday!


*Katie May* said...

Looks like he had a lot of fun! Had a good time at your house this week. Your kids are getting so big! Hope Tillman is continuing to get better

Carl and Amber said...

I had my ultrasound right after you had Mason. When she told me that my baby was a girl, I asked her to check again to be sure. She looked at me and said, "But you're gonna love her anyway, right?". I felt the same way as you--it didn't matter which one, just get it right! I've thought of you so many times with every ultrasound that I've ever had!

Aleese and Scott said...

He is the most adorable little guy! I will never forget when I met him I wanted a baby so bad, and he just melted my heart!! I will never forget his long lashes!! Happy birthday!

Janae said...

Happy Birthday to Mason :) Looks like it was a lot of fun! Good work Mom ;)