Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fun Fact

If anyone was wondering the chances of having random twins is 1 in 83. But if you have already had random twins your chances increase to 1 in 50. Who new?


*Katie May* said...

pretty crazy! Let's be honest here did you notice the 'monster' at bunco? :)


hey this is Heather, a lady in my ward growing up actually had 3 sets of girl twins without any fertility...crazy huh. what are the odds?

Kasey said...

I knew about the odds after twins, but I think I told you my friend has 1 set of twins and then 2 singles after, so there is hope. =)

Jaime said...

Hi! This is Colton's cousin Jaime in St. Johns. I'm not sure if you remember me or not. :) :) I saw you this year at the 24th-well that was the most recent time. Anyhow, just wanted to tell you your kids are absolutely adorable! My husband is the 5th consecutive generation of twins. I was worried when we got pregnant, but the Dr told me that it is carried on the womans side and it was likely I wouldn't have any unless they were far we've been ok! My husband has 5 siblings. The first two are twins, and the next 3 are married to identical twins! So we have twins running all around my husband's family! I think it would be fun, but I can't imagine how hard it would be. Anyhow, our blog is and I see you scrapbook. I own a monthly scrapbook kit club Check it out too!

The Ray Family said...

What are the chances if your mother had twins your brother had twins and twins run in your husbands family? lol i'm guessing pretty good?