Thursday, April 16, 2009

If You Were Wondering......

If you were wondering.......

Why my children look like we are homeless

Why my car hasn't left the driveway in weeks

Why my children are begging for attention

Why my family has been eating canned food for two weeks

Why the laundry isn't done

Why the dishes are piled high

Why my hubby hasn't had a hair cut in 4 weeks

Why I am flaky about a lot of things (normally I am not)

Why I can't attend anything, enrichment, church, parties...

Why I am going to complain for the next nine months

Why I can't keep my head out of the toilet

Why I think I am dying

You guessed it!!!!! Baby number #4 is on it's way. I wanted to wait to post until I went to the doctors but I felt it was necessary so everyone won't wonder all of the above anymore. I am hoping for just one but we will see next week. I am not going to lie it's been rough really rough but I am alive well kinda.


Christi said...

Oh my gosh congrats!! I can't believe it!! I can barely handle 2, you are going to be supermom!!

*Katie May* said...

congrats hope it's just one! :)

Aleese and Scott said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting! You poor thing! I remember when we came to Arizona and you were telling me about how sick you were while pregnant. I hope it gets better!

Brookie said...

congratulations jamie, that is so exciting!!!

Carl and Amber said...

Congrats babe! Good luck keeping your head out of the toilet!

Tanner and Shasta said...

Oh my gosh I'm so excited for you guys! You have the most beautiful kids so I say keep having them! Contrats!

Andrea and Blake said...

you are a trooper - I think I'm going to wait until next year to feel sick like that again! hope you feel better soon and that you have help with your kids.

Stefany Pew said...

Yay again!!! I guessed it early on and I haven't even seen you. I can just tell by your comments and posts. It must be my yearning motherly senses! I'm so happy for you guys. If you have more than one this time around, can I have one? Hahaha

Kristina Rich said...

only one word comes to mind...SUPERWOMAN. Congratulations!

Susan said...

Congratulations!! You really are wonderwoman. Being sick is no fun. Good Luck!!

The Palmer Family said...

Miss Jamie I hope you feel better. Anytime I start to feel sick I think of you because I remember going to the Christmas breakfast you and just sat there on the couch trying not to have to run to the bathroom :( You haven't had to go to the hospital yet I hope. Well the Palmers love you!!! :)And Congrats!

Josh and Amber Wilkins said...

Congrats! I just have to say 4 is way easier then 3. I know sounds crazy but it is so true! We will be crossing our fingers for you for just one!

Kasey said...

Congrats! I'm sure you're having just one. Please call me if you need anything. Better yet, I may just come by and grab a kid or 2 or 3 from ya!

C.J. and Jackie said...

Congrats!!! That is awesome. I can't believe you are having another one.

Lindsey Ballard Hall said...

Okay, you have to tell me what a baby after twins is like. If you can handle it, then I think we may eventually start thinking about it! Congratulations!

Macey said...
