Sunday, February 17, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

So I always joke with Colton how much him and his father are alike. They say the same things, they think the same, they act the same and now they drive the same truck. Colton couldn't stop taking about this truck he wanted to get so I finally gave in and said sure show me... and what do I see the exact same truck as his father. To make a long story readable they now have the same truck. To make the story more interesting try explaining to a two and a half year old that his dad drives a truck like grandpa. It went a little something like this.

Colton: Maso
n do want to see the truck daddy is going to get on the computer.

Mason: Sure.

Colton: Se
e Mason it kinda looks like Grandpa's truck.

Mason: N
o daddy that is Grandpa's truck!

Now Mason thinks daddy is driving Grand
pa's truck. We went and got the truck from the dealership and Colton had to go to my brothers to fix something and the first thing he said was "so you borrowing your dad's truck?" I laughed so hard. I said maybe you should have at least got a different color. They only picture of his dad's truck I have is from the accident...but i think that if you look at Colton's you can just imagine what it looked like before the accident.

Colton's Truck... Randy's Truck

Colton came home from conference and informed me that we do have a picture of his dad's truck that is not from the accident and wanted to me switch out the pictures so I am just going to add it instead. (He thinks this one is a better picture) So here she is.

Our set of twins... There set of twins

What's next????


Kasey said...

I'm so not telling Rocky! He'll be so jealous!

Megan said...

That is hillarious! also you are the best wife ever. Sure honey buy a new truck!

C.J. and Jackie said...

Sweet Truck Colton! If my Dad had a truck like that, I would get one too! Now when does Mason get a little minature truck that matches Dad's and Grandpa's.

Carl and Amber said...

Those trucks are huge! Every time I drive my Dad's I feel like I am gonna go to the next lane with just the tiniest movement of the steering wheel! Good luck paying the gas on that thing!!

*Katie May* said...

That's pretty funny! BTW Mason was so good yesterday at Stake Canfrence he sat there the whole time unlike my guy Gaige

Ellsworth Family said...

It's great catching up with you too! You're kids are adorable!

Aleese and Scott said...

That is pretty funny they sound like they are so much alike! Funny thing is Scotty is nothing like his dad just like his mom!