Monday, April 14, 2008

Mason's new favorite toy!

After fathers and Sons Colton told Mason that he had to take the four wheelers back to grandpa and he refused to let him and said they were his. So Colton to him on one little ride behind our neighborhood because there's a bunch of dirt roads and he just loved it so I had to snap a couple of pictures cause Mason was ready to go.


*Katie May* said...

Look at that he's all decked out! How Cute! I was thinking we should send an email out to the women in the ward with the pics of the burp cloths, bows and braclets so that people will sign up.

C.J. and Jackie said...

He is definetly Colton's boy! He sure is getting big.

Kathy's Boys said...

Hi, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you guys when I came down for Uncle Lyle's funeral. It was
a quick trip, but I would have loved to see the kids!
They are getting big, and so, so cute. Come up
anytime! Love ya

Stefany Pew said...

How fun! Mason looks so big on that thing (but yet so small)! You'll have to get him one that is just his right size! Actually.....if you are serious about it, my brother-in-law is trying to sell his. He has some smaller ones for his kids. He is selling them now because they don't take them out enough like they used to. Let me know if you are interested!!!

Gina Lee said...

Hey Colton, It's Kameron Lee from St Johns. Just came across your blog from Kathy's or Tanners or someone's. Looks like you guys are doing well. My wife and I live in Maricopa. Long time no see. Hope all is well.