But the funniest part of the whole day was when I walked by this vending machine. Not your ordinary vending machine. This one had everything you would have in your diaper bag. Diapers, wipes, binkies, and much more. Who would have thought. The best part was that it only took debit or credit. You don't even have to have cash. So if you forgot to pack the diapers or dropped the bink head right behind the service desk and they will have everything you need.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Double Decker Carousel
Yesterday we went to Superstition Mall to let the kids ride the new double decker carousel and play and do a little shopping. The babies weren't so sure about the ride but towards the end realize they were having a good time.

But the funniest part of the whole day was when I walked by this vending machine. Not your ordinary vending machine. This one had everything you would have in your diaper bag. Diapers, wipes, binkies, and much more. Who would have thought. The best part was that it only took debit or credit. You don't even have to have cash. So if you forgot to pack the diapers or dropped the bink head right behind the service desk and they will have everything you need.

But the funniest part of the whole day was when I walked by this vending machine. Not your ordinary vending machine. This one had everything you would have in your diaper bag. Diapers, wipes, binkies, and much more. Who would have thought. The best part was that it only took debit or credit. You don't even have to have cash. So if you forgot to pack the diapers or dropped the bink head right behind the service desk and they will have everything you need.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Vegas Trip
For Memorial weekend we went on a little trip the Las Vegas with the whole fam. The car ride wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I am not big on road trips but Colton is, so sometimes we just have to do it. I would rather be on a plane and meet ya there in 45 min instead of the 6 hour drive. Once we got there Mason and the twins had so much fun. They loved being able to run around and play. Mason espically loved playing with Crew. Mason thinks they are best friends now. We just wanted to say thanks to Tanner and Andrea for inviting us and Brad and Kathy for letting us intrude upon their house.
We went to Circus Circus and Mason didn't want to leave. It was kinda hard for us because if you can imagine it was over crowed with tons of kids and people and then me with a monster double stroller trying to make my way around. They did get to play a couple games and even won some prizes.

The basketball court was a hit. Who knew everyone would have so much fun!

The babies had fun swinging.

And golfing....

And everyone love the trampoline.

*Thanks again Tanner, Andrea, Brad, and Kathy we had so much fun. Next time we will get you guys in at least one pictures.*
We went to Circus Circus and Mason didn't want to leave. It was kinda hard for us because if you can imagine it was over crowed with tons of kids and people and then me with a monster double stroller trying to make my way around. They did get to play a couple games and even won some prizes.
The basketball court was a hit. Who knew everyone would have so much fun!
The babies had fun swinging.
And golfing....
And everyone love the trampoline.
*Thanks again Tanner, Andrea, Brad, and Kathy we had so much fun. Next time we will get you guys in at least one pictures.*
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
When it hits 110*........
My sister came over with her kids and we headed off to the pool. I just took Mason becasue I was sure if the water would be to cold for the babies. The water was perfect and the kids had so much fun. If it is already 110* outside I am sure we will be at the pool tons this summer. Good thing it's right around the corner.

Friday, May 9, 2008
I am glad that the kids are finding ways to entertain themselves these days. It makes my life a whole lot easier. First when my mom came over to babysit last saturday so Colton and I could have a night out Ashton discovered the drawer under the over and took out all the pans. So then the other day I find Ashton and Brinley sitting and just playing in the drawer. Must be fun!

Today I let all the kids go outside and play and they are just laughing so I had to take a peek and this is what I saw.....

Mason is in the palm tree. Ashton just doesn't know when to stop yet.
Today I let all the kids go outside and play and they are just laughing so I had to take a peek and this is what I saw.....
Mason is in the palm tree. Ashton just doesn't know when to stop yet.
Friday, May 2, 2008
5 Embarrassing Facts
I don't really get embarrassed. Most of the time I am laughing just as hard as everyone else. This is the best I can think of. Thanks Kasey for the tag.... here she goes.
1. When I was about seven months prego with Mason I went crib shopping with my mom and her husband and my brother, we had just eaten lunch at the mall and my mom took one look at my face and told me to sit and threw me the trash can and sure enough I puked and puked right in the middle of the store. I made it in the trash thanks to my mom but the poor boy who had to take out the trash. I did make me feel better when he said "this happens all the time"
2. We had neighbors moving in two houses down and they parked their U-hall trailer in front of the peoples house across from us and it was so low to the ground that I couldn't see it in my mirros and back right into it when they were all standing out side watching me. OOPS
3. In high school during volley ball practice I went up to spike the ball really hard during a drill and sprained my ankle really really bad when I came down. I felt kinda stupid.
4. I was big pregnant with the twin walking into Micheals and I was wearing flip flops and there was a little spot of water of course I couldn't see it (I couldn't even see my feet) so I slipped. I didn't fall down but the poor lady I grab onto was scared to death. She was in front of me and didn't even see me coming. She turned around and I said sorry and walked away. I hope she didn' t think I was going to rob her or anything.
5. I don't really get embarrassed but when I venture out with all three of my children by myself I usually get some funny looks. I just feel like saying it could be worse haven't you ever seen "Jon and Kate plus eight".
1. When I was about seven months prego with Mason I went crib shopping with my mom and her husband and my brother, we had just eaten lunch at the mall and my mom took one look at my face and told me to sit and threw me the trash can and sure enough I puked and puked right in the middle of the store. I made it in the trash thanks to my mom but the poor boy who had to take out the trash. I did make me feel better when he said "this happens all the time"
2. We had neighbors moving in two houses down and they parked their U-hall trailer in front of the peoples house across from us and it was so low to the ground that I couldn't see it in my mirros and back right into it when they were all standing out side watching me. OOPS
3. In high school during volley ball practice I went up to spike the ball really hard during a drill and sprained my ankle really really bad when I came down. I felt kinda stupid.
4. I was big pregnant with the twin walking into Micheals and I was wearing flip flops and there was a little spot of water of course I couldn't see it (I couldn't even see my feet) so I slipped. I didn't fall down but the poor lady I grab onto was scared to death. She was in front of me and didn't even see me coming. She turned around and I said sorry and walked away. I hope she didn' t think I was going to rob her or anything.
5. I don't really get embarrassed but when I venture out with all three of my children by myself I usually get some funny looks. I just feel like saying it could be worse haven't you ever seen "Jon and Kate plus eight".
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