Monday, December 29, 2008
Family Night At Cold Stone
Nothing like a little Cold Stone in December. What a better way to spend family night. Eating ice cream as a family. The kids loved it and we tried to leave when they weren't done and Ashton was not leaving until his ice cream was finished. It was the funniest thing to see him so possessive over his ice cream. Colton tried to put a lid on to take it home and he kept saying "mine" "mine" and just kept eating. I think he gets that from his dad. I'm not a big ice cream girl. We will definenlty have to do it again some time. Maybe in the summer.

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thank You Santa
My life has changed forever! Santa (we) and Grandma and Grandpa Grant went in on a swing set and miracles do happen. The kids have found something better to do then bother me all day. I hope it lasts longer that a week.
It took along time to build like two days, but it was well worth it!

This is example A why we needed something for them to climb on. No fear what so ever.

Mason even gives the babies rides. How fun for me!

Snack outside even better!
It took along time to build like two days, but it was well worth it!
This is example A why we needed something for them to climb on. No fear what so ever.
Mason even gives the babies rides. How fun for me!
Snack outside even better!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Somebody's Potty Trained
Ok I wasn't going to post anything about potty training because I didn't want it to back fire on me. But I am just so excited! For the past month now Brinley has been asking and asking to sit on the potty. She has gone a couple times but I didn't have any panties for her to wear and kept forgetting to get some when I went to the store. So then she kept taking her diaper off and she peeded on the floor and out side. I knew she was so ready. So Monday night we went into town and finally I got her some panties. Tuesday was ok a few accidents but to my surprise she was already telling me when she needed to go. Today even better. She had two poo accidents back to back but she told me she had to poop and tried on the potty but it just wasn't happening. So tonight same thing told me she had to poo sat on the potty nothing then two minutes late said she had to go again. And she went!!! Yea! Mason took awhile to get the whole poo thing down but potty trained also before he turned two. So she basically potty trained in two days. I guess that is my blessing for having twins. Brinley is so excited to wear big girl panties and go potty on the big girl potty. One down one to go. Ashton has no clue when it comes to potty training. He is going to be a rough one I can already tell. Wish us luck!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Grant Family Picture
Every year we attempt to take a new Grant family picture with Colton immediate family. This year we went to the Pecans and Denee put her camera on a tripod and we did the whole timer thing. We were just hoping for one good one and this was the best one. Denee was also so kind and took some random pics of our family. Feel free to click on anyone of them to make them bigger.

This picture need a little explination. The night before Colton and Mason went to the ASU game and he just thought saying "GO DEVILS" was the funnest thing ever. So he is show us his "GO DEVILS" sign.

I love this one because I think Brinley and Alexa actually look a little alike to me!

This picture need a little explination. The night before Colton and Mason went to the ASU game and he just thought saying "GO DEVILS" was the funnest thing ever. So he is show us his "GO DEVILS" sign.

I love this one because I think Brinley and Alexa actually look a little alike to me!

Monday, December 1, 2008
How RUDE!!
That is all that I have to say to the person using my credit card that is still in my purse mind you in CANADA. HOW RUDE!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Something Borrowed
Since Brinleys' cousin Olivia has to many Christmas dresses and Brinley has none, she would only get to wear them once before Christmas and to make them get a little more use her mom Megan thought it would be a great idea for Brinley to wear them the week after Olivia. I agreed! Way to cute and we love something borrowed.

Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day Freebies
Here are my Thanksgiving Day Freebies from CVS. I just couldn't resist and had to stop and get most of the free items with the ECB. I paid for the first item (only $5.69) then paid seperate a couple more time but most of my totals came to zero by reusing my ECB from the previous purchase and with my ECB that I have left I wait for diapers to come on sale and then use them like cash and my diaper coupons of course. It's great I know.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Birthday Cake!
Thanks for the Birthday cake Megan! You made it feel like a Birthday instead of just any other day. Between packing, moving, painting and unpacking we didn't really celebrate it not even with cake, but thanks to you we had cake Mason even put some candles on it. My family really really enjoyed caked for dinner because I am off to Bunco a real dedicated player even on my B-Day!

Friday, October 31, 2008
We Are Moving!
This weekend is moving weekend for us. I FINALLY got the keys to our new house. It seems like we have said we are moving for almost three months now. Oh wait it has been three months. Oh well. It is worth it. It is warm out but at least it is not summer. I am so excited and can't wait to get settled. All the house needs is a little TLC and she will be ready for move in. We are sad to leave but excited for more space. Here is the first picture of the new house.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Today is our 5th anniversary and what do we get to do but celebrate it like an old married couple at the ward party. We did get to go out on a date on Thursday when our free babysitters could baby sit and it was really nice to get to spend time with each other and actually talk and have a conversation with out interruption. I had to go into town this morning to get my hair done and Colton actually took all the kids to the store to get me five things that I liked including a card and roses. I can't believe he took all the kids somewhere in public by himself. I don't think that has ever happend. That's when you know it must be special. I just can't believe it has been five years already. Colton is a great father and husband. He is so willing to do whatever it takes to take care of his family and I love that about him. I am so grateful for him and just don't know what I would do without him. I wish I had some old wedding pics but they are packed up in a box in the garage and I am not digging for them sorry. But here are pics from the halloween party. Happy Anniversary Colton!
Mason was Batman!

Ashton was spiderman and Brinley was the cutest Ravens cheerleader ever!

All three.

This is Ashton after I told him NO MORE CANDY! After every person gave them candy they thought they had to eat it. They just didn't get it that it is suppose to last until Christmas.

Brinley wanted like five more suckers. NO MORE!
Mason was Batman!
Ashton was spiderman and Brinley was the cutest Ravens cheerleader ever!
All three.
This is Ashton after I told him NO MORE CANDY! After every person gave them candy they thought they had to eat it. They just didn't get it that it is suppose to last until Christmas.
Brinley wanted like five more suckers. NO MORE!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What can you get at Fry's for $69.81
So let me tell you what I got for $69.81. It's is a good deal on canned goods. If we are going to have a great depression I still want to eat and feed my family. Therefore I am going to stock up while the prices are low low low. I got:
12 24oz cans of Dinty Moore Stew
24 cans of Fry's' tom. sauce
2 tic tacs
1 water bottle-$3.99
4 frozen eggo waffles
20 Fry's mac & cheese
2 dole salad bags
8 Jiffy corn muffin mix
1 Flour
1 Sugar
6 Libby's canned veg.
1 pack of mission tortillas
1 four pack cottonelle tp
6 Campbell's cream of chicken soup
10 spaghetti-os
8 cans Fry's peaches
2 re fried beans
8 cans of Hormel chili
8 cans Fry's kidney beans
3 gals of tampico juice
total spent: $69.81
total Fry's card savings:$89.99
total coupons: $14.22
The sad thing is that I wanted to get more things but my cart was full. Guess I will have to go again.
12 24oz cans of Dinty Moore Stew
24 cans of Fry's' tom. sauce
2 tic tacs
1 water bottle-$3.99
4 frozen eggo waffles
20 Fry's mac & cheese
2 dole salad bags
8 Jiffy corn muffin mix
1 Flour
1 Sugar
6 Libby's canned veg.
1 pack of mission tortillas
1 four pack cottonelle tp
6 Campbell's cream of chicken soup
10 spaghetti-os
8 cans Fry's peaches
2 re fried beans
8 cans of Hormel chili
8 cans Fry's kidney beans
3 gals of tampico juice
total spent: $69.81
total Fry's card savings:$89.99
total coupons: $14.22
The sad thing is that I wanted to get more things but my cart was full. Guess I will have to go again.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tag 5
So I got tagged a million years ago and never really had the time to sit and do it. Then I realized there was never time so there is peace and quiet in my home and instead of doing the dishes or laundry or even picking up after the kids and am going to blog! Thanks Brandi.
Ten years ago I:
1. I was a junior at Red Mountain High School.
2. Was 16 and had my first job.
3. Bought my first car.
4. Had lots of friends
5. Played lots of sports
The 5 things on today's "to do" list:
1. Get Mason ready for school.
2. Dishes
3. Don't eat so much
4. Take a shower
5. Give myself a nice Pedi and wax my eyebrows
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Candy I am a big candy eater
2. Dr. Pepper got to have it
3. Muddy Buddies so good
4. Banana bread
5. More candy
5 things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1. Save it! Colton thinks if I had a million dollars that it would sit in my savings account. Not true.
2. Pay off the cars and houses.
3. Set aside some money for the kiddos college
4. Enjoy life with my family.
5. And of course get rid of the evidence of having children especially twins. (you know go under the knife)
5 places I have lived:
1. Mesa
2. Mesa
3. Mesa
4. Mesa
5. Queen Creek (exciting I know)
5 jobs I have had:
1. Waiting tables at a retirement home
2. Payday loans
3. Accounting office
4. Ulta Saloon
5. Being a mom
5 friends I tag:
1. Janalie Freeman
2. Andrea Powell
3. Megan Tew
4. Katie Cluff
5. Andrea Peterson
Ten years ago I:
1. I was a junior at Red Mountain High School.
2. Was 16 and had my first job.
3. Bought my first car.
4. Had lots of friends
5. Played lots of sports
The 5 things on today's "to do" list:
1. Get Mason ready for school.
2. Dishes
3. Don't eat so much
4. Take a shower
5. Give myself a nice Pedi and wax my eyebrows
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Candy I am a big candy eater
2. Dr. Pepper got to have it
3. Muddy Buddies so good
4. Banana bread
5. More candy
5 things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1. Save it! Colton thinks if I had a million dollars that it would sit in my savings account. Not true.
2. Pay off the cars and houses.
3. Set aside some money for the kiddos college
4. Enjoy life with my family.
5. And of course get rid of the evidence of having children especially twins. (you know go under the knife)
5 places I have lived:
1. Mesa
2. Mesa
3. Mesa
4. Mesa
5. Queen Creek (exciting I know)
5 jobs I have had:
1. Waiting tables at a retirement home
2. Payday loans
3. Accounting office
4. Ulta Saloon
5. Being a mom
5 friends I tag:
1. Janalie Freeman
2. Andrea Powell
3. Megan Tew
4. Katie Cluff
5. Andrea Peterson
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Making Bread 101
This may come to a surprise for most of you that know me, ok maybe all of you that know me, but home made bread was made in my kitchen! Lately I have been feeling like a horrible mom and wife because I really have no idea how to cook. I have never used a cup of flour in my life. So what do I do... call some reinforcement, my mom. She had to bring all the ingredients, the pans, and the mixer. She has been very willing to help me out. I guess I just have been spoiled because my mom often makes "extra for me to take or she even brings them over" my sister says "if you guys aren't doing anything for dinner you can come over I made tons". So what would you do???? Well it is time to learn. We started out with me learning that there are two kinds of wheat. White and red. Who knew. You grind the wheat and that makes the flour. That is very good to know. Then I learned about dough enhancer. You have to have that. And everything else goes in the Bosch (that was new too) and you mix it all up. It is sad the my littlest brother can do this way better than me. Well betty crocker watch out cause here I come. It might take awhile but it is not that hard at all. I need to purchase many ingredients or all of the ingredients to get started I even need more baking pans. Monday is meatloaf and Kasey your favorite no bake cookies. (can't you tell we are finding ways to use oatmeal) I think I can get the hang of this. Hopefully there will be more baking to come. Wish me luck!
I am just watching I promise.

Mason is forming it to go in the pans.

Before cooking.

And after. Yummy hot fresh bread. Don't be jealous!
I am just watching I promise.
Mason is forming it to go in the pans.
Before cooking.
And after. Yummy hot fresh bread. Don't be jealous!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
First Day of Pre-School
Mason had his first day of preschool on Friday and I don't know who was more excited me or him. He was very excited but at the same time I think he was a little nervous. But his teachers said he did very well and had a good time. While he was gone the babies and I ran to walmart for a few things and I can get used to this preschool thing. It was nice only taking two kids to the store. And that is why I was excited!
Classic first day picture.

Can't forget the HULK backpack.

All three on Mason's first day.

Waiting for his teacher we were a little earily.

Waving good bye.

And then it was all done. He was excited to see me but still wants to go back. What a good day.
Classic first day picture.
Can't forget the HULK backpack.
All three on Mason's first day.
Waiting for his teacher we were a little earily.
Waving good bye.
And then it was all done. He was excited to see me but still wants to go back. What a good day.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Family Pictures
We had a great time taking our family pictures yesterday and I think they turned out great. Colton sister was nice enough to do this for us and put up with our kids. Thanks Denee!!!! I love family pictures because it is just a friendly reminder why I need to work out more. So hopefully the next time we get them done I will be minus maybe 25lbs or so. Don't hold your breath. And of course we had to start out with Mason acting like this.....

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